Connecticut Coorporate Movers

Call Barnes Moving and Storage when you are looking for Connecticut commercial, office and corporate movers. A Mayflower company, we have unsurpassed relocation services. Barnes offers a comprehensive selection of premium corporate moving services including packing, moving protection and storage and warehousing options. In a corporate relocation, the Barnes team has skilled movers who won’t let you down. Barnes brings you dependability with comprehensive corporate relocation services.

As a relocation partner, Barnes provides proven, proprietary tools and information to bring you added value. We want to support your success and see your organization thrive. Barnes moves the contents of whole office buildings down the street or across the Atlantic Ocean. With Mayflower on our side, we provide tips and resources to plan your move in a logical progression. Our flexibility allows your move to be completed with as few interruptions to normal business as possible. Our clients are impressed by the effortless moving experience and the conscientious moving team.  We are always willing to go the extra mile to make your office move a seamless transition.

Planning for a move takes coordination and the help of your local moving company – make Barnes Moving YOUR local mover starting now. As soon as you know a move will happen, contact Dean or Sharon at Barnes Moving and Storage. We\’ll study what your needs are and work with you to come up with a relocation plan. A Mayflower Company, Barnes Moving has the experience to make your next company move seamless and stress free. Barnes provides storage for both individuals and businesses and offers several options for long- and short-term storage. When you are planning a Corporate, Commercial or Business Office move from any Connecticut town, call the team that gets the job done to your specifications: Barnes Moving and Storage. Call Dean or Sharon today at 860-536-8960.

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Corporate Movers | CT | Barnes Moving & Storage